
Tipping is a function that allows a customer to enter a tip on the MT330 keypad. When enabled, tipping is available when taking a card payment via an additional prompt on the MT330.

Tipping is turned off by default, but can be turned on via your Cloud EFTPOS portal at cloudeftpos.com.

Once tipping is enabled, your customer will be asked if they would like to add a tip.

The customer will select Enter on the MT330 if they wish to leave a tip, or Clear if they do not.


If the customer opts to leave a tip, they will be asked the amount of the tip they wish to leave.

They simply enter the amount into the MT330 keypad and then select Enter.


The customer enters their tip and the transaction proceeds as per a standard transcation (see taking a card payment).

The tip amount can be see on the receipt and is available in your receipt history.

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